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Copywriting Content

Personal Brand Turn Ons

March 16, 2015

We all have brand crushes.

That blogger you’ve been following forever that feels like your best friend. That blogger who can somehow see into your soul. That blogger who always knows just what to say and when to say it.

We love these bloggers because they connect with us through their personal brand. We know exactly who they are online and know if we met them in person, they’d be the same.

So what is a personal brand?

In essence, it’s you. It’s how you are perceived online by your audience. It’s what others say about you when you aren’t in the room.

How can you make sure your personal brand has not just a voice, but the right voice?

You can start by examining what turns your audience on (and off). Here are a few qualities that I admire. I’m willing to bet these are important to you as well.


The first trait I blurt out when someone asks me what I look for in people that I follow is authenticity. If you aren’t being genuine with me, it’s hard for us to connect. Authenticity breeds loyalty so share parts of yourself with your audience. They will thank you for it.


This is a buzzword for a reason. To be transparent is to not hide behind your online persona. Transparent bloggers are willing to open up and be honest with their readers. We need more transparent leaders.


We’ve all had to start our online presence from ground zero. It takes years to be seen as an overnight success. My favorite people are those who know they are never too “big” to reach out and help their audience. This quality should be celebrated!


Laughter is the best medicine. Cliche, but true. With humor, you can tackle anything haters or trolls send your way. You also will delight your audience in the process. We all need more humor in our lives.


We’ve all experienced failures. We’ve all felt like we weren’t good enough. Bloggers who shed light on these darker themes make a serious impact. They are the ones who aren’t afraid to talk about what no one wants to talk about. Vulnerability is a powerful trait. Use it in your writing.


No one wants to talk to someone that isn’t inviting. The people who never comment back or start a conversation are less likely to feel like your friend than the people that do. Invest in your audience as they invest in you.

Don’t be Gretchen Weiner online. You can sit with us. There’s a place at the table for everyone.

And there you have it!

This list could go on forever, but these are some of my top favorite brand turn-ons. Now it’s time to think of yours.