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Why I Don’t Have a Facebook Page

May 9, 2015

You may have noticed I never set up a Facebook page for my website.

Yes, this was done intentionally. I work in social media at a global public relations agency. I see the positive effect a Facebook page can have for our clients, and yet I still don’t think it’s worth my time investment.

Below, you’ll find the reasons why having a Facebook page is not aligned with my brand.

It’s pay to play

Facebook introduced a new algorithm last December that devastated the organic reach of brand pages. So what does this mean for you? It means several of the fans that like your brand page may not see your content organically and there’s only one way around it: with cold hard cash.

See, I’m all about organic growth. Sure, I could sprinkle some money here and there to get more eyes to see my content, but that isn’t my strategy. I’m in the business of building lasting relationships with incredible creative bloggers and entrepreneurs. Facebook just doesn’t allow me to do this effectively.

Engagement is low

Sometimes virtually non-existent. Why link to your blog content if no one is there to see it? That effort is better spent on other social media platforms your audience is active on.

Facebook groups are more effective

If you are going to pour time and effort into Facebook, think about starting a Facebook group instead. This way, you’re able to connect with your readers and possibly turn some into clients.

Interactions are the best thing you can invest in, period. Erika of Olyvia recommended nine of her favorite Facebook groups in a recent blog post and stay tuned for my master guide on Facebook groups coming later this spring!

In summary, you don’t have to be everywhere to be successful. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, the list goes on and on. To try and have a consistent presence on all social media platforms would be a waste of your time and creativity. Always go where your audience lives.

Next time you start a new social account, always remember to:

  • make sure you have a reason for being there.
  • have a strategy behind your presence.
  • stay actively involved.
  • be intentional!