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Copywriting Content

Dreams That Fuel My Business (aka My Why)

February 7, 2017

One of my personal affirmations is “I can admire the way she does business without building mine the same way.”

I wrote a post about it last year, but it wasn’t until a few weeks ago when I related it to the bigger picture of what fuels our businesses.

See, many of us get caught in the comparison trap, especially in online business. We see someone else budgeting for Facebook ads and leading webinars successfully so we think we should be doing that. We see someone rocking it on Periscope and blogging every day successfully so we think we should be doing that too.

But before looking at other businesses to see what yours could look like, it’s best to look deep within to uncover the biggest desires of your heart and build your business around that.

This is where your true WHY comes from.

While many business owners are quick to share the inspiration behind their brand (which is SO needed), I don’t see many who regularly share the real “why” behind what they do.

Most of us have our mission statements down pat and our core values defined, but what about those big dreams that fuel us? We’re all working for something unique so it takes us in different directions.

Our businesses should reveal our desires when we build them with intentionality.

Maybe you’re building a custom, premium service-based business that will allow you to take on fewer clients for more income so when you decide to have a family, you have a business that will work with you rather than against you.

Maybe you’re building a passive income driven business that will allow you the freedom and flexibility to invest in that dreamy RV so you can travel around to all the national parks as you set your own working hours.

The more in tune you are with your life’s vision, the more intentional you’ll be with your business decisions. And they’ll feel oh-so-good in the process.

This is why I start every copywriting, brand strategy, and content creation client relationship with a vision strategy call to ensure the focus is first on your dream lifestyle and then how your brand fits into that.

Knowing WHY someone runs the business they do is essential in the hiring process.

It helps to share the real reason why you’re building your business the way you are when trying to connect with your ideal clients and buyers. In an effort to be more open about this and be an example, I want to share a little bit more behind my own “why”.

So let’s dig in…



01 // Bringing my calling of connecting communities through storytelling to life

This calling was revealed to me two years ago when I asked my #createlounge community what they knew me for. I was in the middle of a tizzy with not knowing if I should create PR, social media, or other career content at the time and I remember someone commented with this: “Kayla, we know you for community, for how you weave collaboration into everything you do and into everything that you are.”

My life was forever changed. I immediately examined the milestone moments in my past, even the not-so-pretty parts, and everything pointed to my desire and need to build communities with soul and grace. I now intentionally bring this passion to my clients, my local friendships, my family, and in every relationship in my life.

The main way I do this online is through storytelling. As a young girl with journals scattered across her house and poetry scribbled in the margins of her math notes, I’ve always found true comfort in words. Naturally, this is what brought me to copywriting, but my calling of community really adds the light and love to my client experience.

02 // Giving a percentage of my income to local charities with soul

Faith plays a pivotal role in my life and generosity is a huge part of that. Every cause I donate to has a special place in my heart and is extremely intentional. My heart is convicted to donate local charities like Feed My Starving Children as well as foundations that give guidance and help to trauma victims who battle with things I’ve experienced. Each cause is beyond worthy of a percentage of my income.

03 // Saving up to build a small home to welcome my local community into

My desire to build a small modern industrial home with mid-century furnishings is at an all-time high. I want it to be a place to welcome #createlounge friends into, both local and from all corners of the globe. A place to invite fellow entrepreneurs over for productive work sessions, mastermind meetings, and unplugged retreats. A place that looks and feels so much like me.

Although these motivations are great on their own, my biggest reason is to collaborate with my dad on a life-changing project. My dad is an excellent residential drafter/architect, interior designer, and all around visionary when it comes to building homes with soul. As a kid, I remember seeing my dad in his element when he was planning and fixing up houses. I know it’s where his joy comes from so to merge our visions together would mean more than words can describe. I get teary-eyed every time I think about it.

We’ve already drawn out some of the plans and even have a shared private Pinterest board where we share inspiration when it strikes. It’s already helped my dad and I grow even closer and given us something to look forward to as we both find ourselves in times of transition. To fund this dream with my business is the ultimate dream.

I’ve struggled with this desire for a while now, wondering if it’s too self-indulgent to be driven by wanting to build a custom home for myself, but then I look at the why. The way it would bring my community together. The way it would help me create a lasting keepsake of my dad, a project I can see his fingerprints all over. It then becomes very heart-centered for me.