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How to Choose a Blog Name

March 18, 2014

One of the biggest steps you can take when creating your blog is, of course, deciding on a blog name. Your brand is defined by this name. It’s is the first thing anyone sees and remembers, so it has to reflect your brand effectively.

I was inspired to write this post after speaking with many bloggers over the past few months who knew they wanted to rebrand their blog but kept getting stuck on their name.

To name a select few, Geraldine was looking for guidance in her rebranding efforts while negotiating with a domain seller. Courtney was set on a name that was already taken while trying to discover a unique way to keep the essence of the name intact. Mariah wanted to change her blog title but keep her URL the same.

All of these up-and-coming bloggers had one thing in common: they were stuck on blog names and weren’t sure what their next move should be.

I also had a difficult time naming my blog. I knew what I wanted my brand to encompass, but finding a powerful name that wasn’t already taken was challenging. Still, there are things you can do to find a name that is available, powerful, and feels like the perfect fit.

This how-to will take you step-by-step through the blog naming process. Let’s dive right in!

Know your brand

Before you do anything, you must discover and define your brand. This is the first crucial step in choosing a blog name. Here are some important questions for you to answer in creating your brand. There is no right or wrong answers here, so follow your instincts in answering each of these prompts.

  • What do you want your brand to convey?
  • What story do you want your brand to tell?
  • What are your values?
  • What would others say you are best at?
  • What adjectives would others describe you as?
  • What kind of personality does your brand have?
  • How will you make your brand different from the rest?
  • Why should others care about your brand?

You may also look at my two vlogs on creating and implementing your own brand here and here. Now that you are closer to understanding your brand, let’s get to know your audience.

Know your audience

Now you know your brand, what you want to write about, and what services you want to offer.

The next step is knowing how to reach your audience. The most important sector of readers you want to reach is your target audience, which is different for everyone. That’s what makes niche bloggers so successful!

Here are a few crucial questions to ask yourself in order to uncover who your target audience is.

  • What is the age range you are writing for?
  • What is the demographic of your audience?
  • What shared interests do you have with your audience?
  • What will your writing tone be?

Brainstorm words

Your next step is to get a blank sheet of paper and a pen (or, if you are like me, your laptop) and start listing the values of your brand. You could even jot down some words that sound aesthetically pleasing. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense now. Write down anything and everything that comes to mind.

A thesaurus can be your best friend while brainstorming. There are many fabulous resources all around you, so use them!

Search titles and domains

Now it’s time to do a Google search to check the availability of your blog name. You may also want to search for a domain, which you can do here. Now, this process can have two results. The best outcome is finding that your blog name hasn’t been used and is ready for purchase if you are considering buying a domain name.

But, Kayla, what do I do if my blog name is already taken? 

It’s hard to hear, but you’ve reached a dead end. I urge you to look for another name if your desired name is taken. Your blog title should be as unique as your brand. You don’t want to be confused with another blog or company.

The best advice I can give you is to not be discouraged when the list of possible names you’ve created shrinks because many of them are taken. Revisit the brainstorming step and keep an open mind.

Ask for feedback

Whether or not you decide to publicly announce your blog name before your launch date is completely up to you, but at least reach out to a few professionals you admire and share your blog name.

Is it as catchy to them as it is to you? Do they understand at a first glance how your blog name fits your brand? This will help you determine if your brand is telling the story you want it to. Their feedback will either help you become more confident in your brand, or steer you in another direction that’s even more exciting.

Most of all, remember that this process takes time. If you are faced with a tough decision, sleep on it. Take the time now to save time later. Your blog will thank you.