
15 Podcasts for Creative Entrepreneurs (and #createlounge Podcast Launch + Giveaway!)

In honor of the #createlounge podcast launching this week, I thought I’d take some time to give some shout outs to my favorite podcasts. Whether you want to tap into your creativity during your daily commute or you just want to learn a new skill while you’re in the shower (no shame!), these are great podcasts to try. 

How to Stop Feeling One-Dimensional in Your Niche

Feeling one-dimensional is a problem for me since I’ve always been multi-passionate. Luckily, there’s a way to niche down without feeling one-dimensional. These actions are helping me along the way and I hope they can help you too if you’re starting niching down is feeling constricting. 

5 Signs It’s Time to Stop Planning and Start Creating

While it’s important to spend time in the planning stage, we often find ourselves settling in for too long. How do you know it’s time to stop planning and get started on your creative projects?  

#createlounge: State of the Union

I have been waiting months to not only write but share this post with you all. The time has come to tell you all about where #createlounge is growing in our new, exciting season. 

Making the Most of Your Creative Environment

As creatives, we are naturally more in tune with our surroundings. This can be a good thing until it hinders us from creating our best work when we feel something is off aesthetically. Here are some things we can do to make the most of the creative environment we have around us.