
Why I Invested in a Custom Designed Website as a Copywriter

You may have noticed that things look a little different around here. That’s because I decided to collaborate with my brother Zach Hollatz, who is an incredibly talented website designer and developer (exhibit A: my website), during the summer. We’ve been secretly working on my new website design between my […]

3 Take-Action-Today Money Mindset Tips for Creative Entrepreneurs

Numbers don’t need to be your foe as an entrepreneur. Maybe we just need to fuse more of our creativity into them and reframe our freelance money mindset.

Ask a Copywriter: Freelance Copywriting Q+A with Minneapolis Copywriter Kayla Hollatz

Are you an aspiring or new copywriter and want to pick my brain? In my new blog series, Ask a Copywriter, you can do just that! Read the first edition here…

Finding Enough in a Culture of Excess (and Personal Challenge)

I used to think success had to do with your work, your output. Now I think success has a lot more to do with alignment. And that alignment leads to enough, no matter what we see in our closets, our wallets, or our resumes.

4 Key Elements of a Lead-Generating Quiz for Better Email Marketing

Why build a quiz for your brand? Short answer: It helped me generate 2,500+ email subscribers in 9 months. And it’s more simple than ever to set up. Here’s how…