March 2017

12 Types of Lead Magnets to Attract (and Keep) Email Subscribers: Part Two

Don’t lose out on a chance to make a lasting impression and connection. Let’s talk about lead magnets that attract AND keep your subscribers engaged!

8 Books That Changed My Online Business For the Better

Each book teaches different lessons, some that knocked me down so I could pick myself back up and others that embraced me from page one. If I could only keep a small library of books, these would make the “keep” pile…  

12 Types of Lead Magnets to Attract (and Keep) Email Subscribers: Part One

Don’t lose out on a chance to make a lasting impression and connection. Let’s talk about lead magnets that attract AND keep your subscribers engaged!

3 Myths on Growing Your Email List as a New Business Owner

As you start to create your email marketing strategy, you’ll encounter countless myths about what it takes to truly grow your email list. Let’s bust those myths together, shall we?