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Making the Most of Your Creative Environment

April 4, 2016

As creatives, we are naturally more in tune with our surroundings. This can be a good thing until it hinders us from creating our best work when we feel something is off aesthetically.

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a Pinterest board dedicated solely to ideal workspace and office inspiration. While we may not have a beautiful attic studio with skylights or a she shed hidden in a well-kept garden just for writing, there are things we can do to make the most of the creative environment we have around us.

Carve out creative corners

While a dedicated office space is ideal, many of us may share creative space in rooms with other uses. Living rooms, kitchens, guest bedrooms, you name it. Until you can design that dream workspace, create a small corner where you can set up your make station. This may be as simple as setting up a desk where you work or a reading chair where you brainstorm. This helps you dive more quickly into your work, knowing that space is dedicated to creating.

Make it feel like home

Nothing says your creative space like some intentional personal touches. Add some photos with loved ones on your desk or place that souvenir your best friend got you when she visited her favorite vacation spot. The more it feels like home, the more time you will want to spend there, which leads to more creating.

Create an organizational system that works for you

There’s nothing more distracting than having a workspace that feels off because of your organization, or lack thereof. Whether you create best in organized chaos (guilty!) or you like everything to be out-of-sight, keep your space tailored to you. (Psst, this goes for all of the systems in your business too.)

Don’t forget to add light

The number one thing I look for in a creative or living space is natural light. Natural light is said to increase our performance, efficiency, focus, and productivity. It also makes for the best photos. Yes, I’m looking at you, visual creative friends. If you like working at night, there are natural light lamps that can help, although nothing is quite like the sun.

Surround yourself with colors that fill you with joy

For me, I love calm blue hues, tints of turquoise, and touches of succulent greens. Basically any color you can find near the ocean. Maybe for you, it’s neon, bright colors or maybe you’d prefer rich, jewel tones. It can be anything from prints on your wall to colored pens to fun notebooks.

Change it up when needed

Sometimes you just need to create projects in a new environment. Go to a coffeeshop, a nearby park if it’s nice out, or even take a trip to the library. You could even go on a work date with a fellow local creative who can trade their company for accountability. Changing up your environment will help refresh and rejuvenate your creativity.